Please send your photographs and videos to me, Dr. Colette M. Dowell    CONTACT EMAIL2 Two Headed mutated baby radiation Chernobyl Fukushima Nuclear radioactive fallout

"What we have discovered so far should serve as ample warning that our future as a species is imperiled: we have entered a danger zone - an uncharted territory from which we may never return."  Dr. Helen Caldicott





Fukushima Radiation Disaster Colette Dowell Radiation Alert Warning nuclear plants Fukushima DisasterFukushima Radiation Radioactive mutated plant flower baby Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Atomic Hiroshima Nagasaki Colette Dowell GraphicNot necessarily the end of the World, as in our planet Earth exploding, but the end of our World as we have known it and could live in with a relative amount of certainty that life would go on in a reasonable manner. Life as we knew it before Fukushima will never be the same; those who survive this era for an extended period of time and on to the next generations will have a heavy heart to carry.



To "THEM" : Stop lying to us so we can take control of our own destiny and prepare as RADIATION SPREADS.

Please, as this Spring's new growth begins, watch your herbs, flowers and plants, trees, any and all vegetation; or lizards, butterflies, frogs, birds, any and all animal life, cats, dogs, cows; for any alteration, deformation, mutation; any abnormalities in their growth...


Map of radiation plume from Fukushima hitting United States in March of 2011

Like Twinned Head Flower - Like Twinned Head Baby  

Fukushima Radiation Radioactive mutated plant flower baby Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Atomic Hiroshima Nagasaki Colette Dowell GraphicMutated baby deformed radiation radioactive fallout depeted Uranium Fukushima fallout India World wide

COMPARE MUTATIONS - Human Deformations - These Human atrocities are the effect of radioactive Isotopes from nuclear fallout from Chernobyl, Iraq, The Middle East and World Wide Nuclear Facilities; courtesy Youtube Uploaders who are concerned Global Citizens.

In my research I have noticed that the mutations happening in the plant world, are the same mutations that Humans and animals are displaying.

I have more photographs of local mutations - this page is still under construction - please scroll down or go to the link section of important articles and websites to visit for more information of the damages of radiation.


"What we have discovered so far should serve as ample warning that our future as a species is imperiled: we have entered a danger zone - an uncharted territory from which we may never return." Dr. Helen Caldicott




Mutated Radiation Flower Daisy Deformed Fukushima Radiation Colette DowellA Very Serious Situation: In the summer of 2011, I noticed mutations in plant life here in North Carolina; I wondered about the extreme heat and severe weather we were experiencing -could that be the cause of the wild mutations? In the summer of 2012, I witnessed more mutations in a greater number of plant species; the Spring of 2013 was very alarming. I began my search of what may be the cause of these mutations. My research has led me to radiation exposure causing genetic damage in "organic life." What is the cause of these mutations?


Further, I have learned that the Fukushima Nuclear Facility is constantly spewing/leaching radioactive isotopes into our atmosphere, land and water, and that the majority of facts related to the extreme outpour of radiation have been cloaked, manipulated and lied about by TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company, aka. General Electric) and the Japanese Government in conjunction with the American Government and other International Government Agencies such as the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, the Japan Atomic Energy Commission, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United States Atomic Energy Commission, amongst many others.  I am actively researching the radiation leak/fallout from Fukushima, Japan. Also, please read inserts from Dr. Helen Caldicott's, 1994 Book, "NUCLEAR MADNESS," which I highly condensed and edited for Circular Times, Volume One - Issue Two, 1995 to promote her work and create awareness.  


Multiple Stems coming from main body of Corona / Stem = Multiple limbs coming from main Human body.


Radiation Mutated Echinacea FUKUSHIMA Cherbobyl radioactive fall out Northern  Hemisphere Colette DowellRadiation Mutated baby Depleted Uranium Nuclear Radioactive fall out Colette DowellDeformed radiation mutated Plant flower aloe vera radioactive Fukushima Fallout Radiation in Northern Hemisphere Colette Dowell

Click on Thumbnails to enlarge photographs of mutations.

Mutated Sunflower Plants Radiation Fukushima Nuclear Radioactive Fallout plumes over Northern Hemisphere fall out muating plants and animals this is a Russian Mammoth Sunflower in North Carolina Photos by Colette DowellDeformed mutated baby radiation depleted uranium Iraq Fukushima radioactive nuclear mutated baby

Extra head coming out from Corona  (head of Sunflower) = Extra head coming out from Human Baby head.




Mutated Flower Fukushima Radiation Echinacea Plant Deformed two coronas genetic damage forevermutated 2 Two headed baby Fukushima radio NUKES Radiation Nuclear Chernobyl Iraq depleted Uranium


This diagram below shows normal and mutated development of the corona and petals of the Echinacea plant.


Mutated flower Fukushima Chernobyl plant nuclear radiation genetic damage radioactive isotopes Colette Dowell


These photographs were taken recently. I have many more I have been working on. I am watching flowers, herbs and veggies along with local native plants and botanicals (animals, insects-all species of life).  I am encouraging YOU to "Mutate Watch," and to personally search the internet for legitimate sources  on the true breaking news of nuclear activity; not only from Fukushima, but from all radioactive sources; e.g., all nuclear plants, spent fuel rods, nuclear waste dumps, wars, bombs, (YouTube has some good documentaries and independent researchers, but be very wise and discerning.) I do not know if radiation is causing these mutations. Please email me any information and photographs you would like to share, or if you have any ideas or questions on how to get involved so we can stop the Governments, Agencies, Commissions, and Corporations = "ALL INCLUSIVE,"  from holding back any truths about various forms of energy production that might impact the Earth and Humans in a negative manner.


 Mutated Baby deformed face nuclear radiation cleft Iraq Chernobyl Fukushima Genetically Damaged Chromosomes Radiation Fukushima Chernobyl Nucllear Radiaoctive fallout  Iraq Depleted Uranium Nuclear Energy Radioactive


Human Chromosomes Genetically Damaged From Radiation



I have more photographs of local mutations - this page is still under construction...please scroll down to go to the link section of important articles and websites to visit for more information of the damages of radiation.


NOTE: Some Heirloom botanic species do at times have a few weird looking fruit or vegetables on their plant....those are dormant genes that are being expressed; that is normal to have a few here and there - BUT NOT EVERY PLANT and almost every SEED fruit it bares.....


Mutated Plants Radiation Fukushima Chernobyl Nuclear Grape Vine Depleted UraniumFukushima Mutation Flower plant Squash Radiation Nuclear Fall out atomic Mutated Flower Radiation Plant Nuclear Energy Fukushima Strawberry Chernobyl Depleted UraniumRadiation Mutated Flower Plant Heirloom Tomatoes Nuclear Plants Deformed Sunflower mutated Fukushima Radiation Nuclear Energy Plant Radiation Chernobyl DeformedSunflower mutated Fukushima Radiation Nuclear Energy Plant 7 heads Radiation Chernobyl DeformedFukushima perfect Sunflower not mutated radiation deformed nuclear plant flower


Fukushima Map of radiation plume from Fukushima plume hitting United States in March of 2011Map of radiation plume from Fukushima hitting United States in March of 2011

This from map posted by Nuclear Health .org clearly shows that North Carolina was surely hit by radioactive fall out. In the Spring of 2013, when I called The United Sates Geological Survey in Colorado,  who were the surveyors of the radiation plume, they denied that North Carolina got hit by the radiation and that it was only Carbon and had a half life of 8 days and no way would it be able to cross the Pacific Ocean. THEY LIED TO ME. We were not informed here in North Carolina of the radiation. I even called the NC Agriculture Center and the Director told me he had no idea of what I as talking about and also denied the radiation.




Colette Dowell  Fukushima Radioactive Elements  Nuclear Radiation Mutated Plants FlowersJournal, Document and Take Photographs; be aware and keep your eyes open.  MUTATE WATCH ! Share and ask your friends if they have seen anything weird or strange going on around them, ask them how they feel......Talk to others and educate them - bring people together and protest nuclear energy. Start petitions and confront ALL GOVERNMENTS & NUCLEAR CORPORATIONS





Radiation FUkushima Chernobyl Nuclear Madness cover of book by Helen CaldicottNUCLEAR MADNESS  By Dr. Helen Caldicott

What we have discovered so far should serve as ample warning that our future as a species is imperiled: we have entered a danger zone - an uncharted territory from which we may never return.



You SHOULD READ these articles I wrote in 2009 & 2011, about what is going on and how to take care of yourself.




#3 Ramblings of the Mind: Where is the 'MADE IN AMERICA' Label and What Can We Do? America Small Business -Corporation Tax -Work At Home



Dr. Helen Caldicott: Video =  The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Proliferation    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hTuqy6RpFQ

Deadly Legacy - Iraq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yUDFicLNZ0

WARNING: Graphic Content - The Children of Chernobyl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VffZ2sSZ30M

CHERNOBYL HEART and CHILDREN OF CHERNOBYL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ujAG_Ofj4M

BOOK: Chernobyl Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, Alexey V. Nesterenko



Teratogenesis radiation damage to normal chromosomes...

Teratogenesis After Exposure to Ionizing Radiation | UCSF ...

Mar 5, 2013 ... This is the period when the fetus is most susceptible to the teratogenic effects of
ionizing radiation, which include microcephaly, microphthalmia ...

Chernobyl heart, premature aging, cataracts, hole in heart, 137 cesium 137 = heart muscle, diabetes, pancreas, endocrine, leukemia cancer, tragic book to read, community in American, NRC = nuclear regulatory commission, 40 % of European land mass contaminated with cesium 137, do not buy European food , 40 thousand times higher than normal Seattle Washington, lungs in Tokyo, 5-10 hot spots in lungs in Seattle, 5 years for leukemia, 10-15 years for cancer, radiation silent killer, cough up first blood, strontium 90, Hershey's chocolate-dried milk radiation, soil grazing, 20 times more children sensitive, radiation is accumulative, no dose is safe, no teeth x-rayed criminal to x-ray every year.


TIMOTHY ALEXANDER MOUSSEAU - Chernobyl Research Initiative

cricket.biol.sc.edu/mousseau/mousseau-cv.pdf Mousseau@sc.edu. Website: ... Curriculum Vita – Timothy Mousseau. 2
... Program Director, SC STEPs to STEM – Manage USC's NSF supported ...
accurate estimates of realized external and internal radiation doses to animals

Chernobyl: A Million Casualties, Karl Grossman interviews, Dr. Janette Sherman, Enviro Video, 5 March 2011

WARNING - VERY TERRIBLE TO SEE TRUTH - Chinese - THE DYING ROOMS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd_nptd2q0M  Note, I happened on this video, it is about the one baby policy in China and the abandoned baby girls that are stuck in rooms and tied to potty chairs and, well, my God, I cried when I saw this. I will never go to China now---I hate the Chinese Government.  This is a very disturbing documentary- I was not prepared for it.

Ukraine's Forgotten Children (BBC4 documentary) HD   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs42-5HnQRQ more abandonment I was not aware of.


David J Brenner Genome radiation 2003 unique damage to genomes past exposure to Columbia University

Center for Radiologic Research  = Attorney Paul Garner Sailors sue TEPCO Nuclear Dr. Sherman -

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island, Bikini Island, Depleted Uranium Iraq







Colette Dowell Fukushima Radiation Nuclear Circular Times

An International Networking Educational Institute

Intellectual, Scientific and Philosophical Studies

Copyright © 1995-2014

Dr. Colette M. Dowell 


Website Design for the previous page on Dr. Robert M. Schoch and Circular Times

 and all contents including but not limited to text layout, graphics, any and all images, including videos are

Copyright © of Dr. Colette M. Dowell, 1995-2014